Friday, September 08, 2006

Laylatul Baraa-ah [15th Night of Sha'baan]

The fasting of the Nabiy [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] on the Fifteenth of Sha-baan

It is noteworthy to mention various phrases in numerous ahaadieth which indicate the allowance of fasting on the fifteenth of Sha-baan. This is without any contrary prohibition. Furthermore, in respect of fasting during Shabaan, including the fifteenth day thereof, the phrases in the relative ahaadieth are;

1. `He (Rasoeloullaah [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] fasted during Sha-baan with the exception of a small part thereof (i.e. a few days)'. *(this includes fasting on the fifteenth) (Moettafaq-alaih; i.e. Boukhaariy and Moesliem).

2. `He fasted during Sha-baan until we said: `He shall not break his fast' (i.e. interrupt his fasting during this month)'. *(this includes fasting on the fifteenth) (Moettafaq-alaih; i. e. Boukhaariy and Moesliem).

3. `I did not see him fast in any month more than his fasting during the month of Sha-baan'. *(this includes the middle of the month) (Moettafaqalaih; i.e. Boukhaariy and Moesliem).

4. `He fasted for the whole month of Sha-baan'. *(this includes fasting on the fifteenth) (Moettafaq alaih; i.e. Boukhaariy and Moesliem).

5. `He (Rasoeloullaah [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam]) did not fast (besides Ramadhaan in the year) for a complete month, except during Sha-baan'. *(this includes fasting on the fifteenth) (Daarumiy).

6. `The most beloved month during which you (i.e. the Nabiy [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam]) fasts is Sha-baan'. (Nusaa-iy, bi sunadien la ba'-sa behiy).

7. `Fasted during the (middle) three days of every month'. *(this includes fasting on the fifteenth) (`Tubraaniy).

8. `Which fast is most virtuous? He said: `During the month of Sha-baan; for the sacredness and hallowed status of Ramadhaan'. (Tirr-mithiy).

9. `I desire that my deeds be raised and presented (before Allaah) whilst I am fasting'. *(this is specific to the fifteenth day) (Nusaa-iy).

10. `When the middle of Sha-baan passed, then do not fast'. *(this includes the fifteenth day for fasting) (Abou Daawood, Tirr-mithiy and Daarumiy).

Prepared by: Waterval Islamic Institute, Johannesburg


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